
Album Review: Legend In Japan – Welcome To The Pity Party


There seems to be a lot of this new age style punk rock appearing lately, and as much as I like to be optimistic and objective about new music sometimes it is too generic or cliché to take it as seriously as I would like to. Although in this case it may be because as soon as I started listening to it my Mum thought it was Lil’ Chris (or ‘Little Jimmy’ as she called him…). Being founded a mere 1 year ago, and having had the release show for this EP at the Relentless Garage in London, there is obviously quite a buzz surrounding this 4 piece and I had to have a few listens to them to find out why.

I’m not sure how much you can expand on punk rock, but ‘Persona Non Grata’ opens with every bit as much as I would expect from a band of this style, with not much more to make it stand out. The vocals are a surprise, and while sounding quite young, there’s definitely something there and that’s what has perked my ears up.

‘Agitation! Propaganda!’ gives me a little more hope for the band, mainly because of the chorus and when the singer takes it in a different direction with what the words “rant” or “preach” seem to define best. The rest of the song still lacks anything that makes me want to have interest though, and while it does have parts I do like, I still don’t know what to think of it.

I really try not to be negative, but ‘Fall Guy’ once again fails to impress, or even make me want to listen to more. The sound while being professionally recorded still sounds like a garage band, and as soon as the screaming comes in there’s no hope for me for the rest of the song. 

Sounding very Green Day at the beginning, ‘Give ‘Em An Inch’ has a nicer rawer sound that appeals to me more. Still sounding very much like a garage band, which actually adds a certain charm at times, I have to admit that while being very negative before I do like this song. The singer’s voice gives Legend In Japan the edge that makes me have at least a little interest. 

Closing with ‘Good Intentions’, the interest is lost again. The screaming diminishes what I had expected from the band at the beginning, and at times it’s hard to tell the difference between parts of the song. I do like screaming in music when it’s done right, and I’m not saying it’s done wrong in this music but it seems a bit naively done at times in the songs from this EP, and I don’t want to say immature but there lacks a mature sound that would help Legend In Japan interest me. 

After more listens I actually find myself liking it more, but I’ve heard it too many times before. For a first EP there are elements which may evolve into a very good sound, but this doesn’t make me want to listen to them more. The singers voice sounds quite like Lzzy Hale from Halestorm and adds quite an edgy sound to it, which may be their saving grace. I’ll be keeping an eye out for the name, seeing as they have seemed to gain a bit of a name for themselves, but sadly I can’t help but wonder how.


‘Welcome To The Pity Party’ by Legend In Japan is out now.

Legend In Japan links: Facebook|Twitter

Words by Callum McPhee (@Callum0510)


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