Hailing from Belgium, Partisan have their roots dug deep into the metal world. With members of Oathbreaker and Rise & Fall among their ranks, the assumption would be more of the same neck breaking heaviness. This is very much not the case though.
With the lingering prettiness of ‘Children In Love’ and encapsulating fuzz of ‘Run Run Run’ all building into the carefully paced misery of ‘Public Humiliation’ this self-titled EP from the band delivers the sort of abrasive post-punk majesty that only comes from the most haunted corners of the mind.
With an excess of screeching feedback and discomforting melodies, this is a short salty set of songs that your ears won’t be forgetting for a very long while.
’Partisan EP’ by Partisan is released on November 16th on Hypertension Records.
Partisan links: Facebook|Bandcamp
Words by Jack Rogers (@JackMRog)