First and foremost, the band has a serious knack for writing an infectious and convincing jam. From the moment opener ‘Ramleaze Drive’ sparkles with positively thrashing guitars and enthralling vocal refrains, before bleeding into ‘Jake’s BBQ’ that tells the story of overcoming heartbreak to a backdrop of folk tinged riffs and bouncy drums, the band channel old school pop punk into the modern day with vigor, cheek and openness. Where the UK scene has let overpowering “feelings” propel them forwards, Spineless Yes Men have taken the genre back to it’s roots and used the it as a thoroughly positive outlet rather than just penning sad songs for the sake of it.
Where Spineless Yes Men really excel though is in their colourful lyrics. Being able to take everyday language, put it into song and convey a story as vividly and thoroughly engrossing as the band manage across the 4 songs of ‘Death Of Denmark’ is a real skill and one they have nailed down to tee. Probing at the average situations we all find ourselves in across our lifetime, mostly drinking too much and saying something silly, the band makes even the most awkward of situations sound gloriously optimistic. A perfect example is ‘Post Gig Blues’ which radiates anxiety through swaying beats and decisive hooks before closer ‘Clumsy’ proves it is nothing of the sort, messing with passionate build-ups and drunken thoughts to develop an overtly relatable listen.
Overall ‘Death Of Denmark’ is excellent. A slick run-through of quintessentially British pop punk, overflowing with tongue-in-cheek wit, melodic enthusiasm and a sprinkling of folky charm that use storytelling in a engaging but also casual manner. For all the hopeless romantics and awkward socialites, Spineless Yes Men know exactly how you are feeling and have penned an excellent soundtrack to all your little anxieties and nibbling issues.
‘Death Of Denmark EP by Spineless Yes Men is out now on Speaking Tongues.
Spineless Yes Men links: Website|Facebook|Twitter
Words by Jack Rogers (@JackMRog)