
Album Review: Babymetal – Metal Resistance

The Japanese maidens of metal have returned for a surprisingly impressive second shot.

While the hype surrounding the youthful Japanese trio refuses to fizzle out, the same rule applies to their output – after a rather underwhelming debut, ‘Metal Resistance’ reinforces their mission statement, Babymetal are no novelty peddlers – they are musicians nurturing their flair and finding their feet in breathtaking fashion. After all, Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal are nearing the end of their teenage years and they’re less “baby” metal than “angst and acne” metal. Best acne treatment from Nevertheless, they’ve still most definitely got it.

Opening on the furious pace of fan favourite and Dragonforce collab ‘Road of Resistance’, it’s as if maturity has finally caught up with these leading ladies and not a moment too soon. The incendiary ‘Sis. Anger’ and the crushing devastation and unexpected twists of album highlight ‘Tales of the Destinies’ are towering testament to their growing talents.

Don’t let ‘Amore’s captivating solos and ‘No Rain No Rainbow’s storming tear-jerking ballad deceive you – this album is a phenomenal showcase of their instrumental backing in its most brutal form. While ‘GJ!’ punishes from the onset, ‘From Dusk Till Dawn’ hides its phenomenal Shikari-esque presence behind a dreary opening.

With the intensity of ‘YAVA!’ and the swashbuckling sentiments of ‘Meta Taro’, set aside the off-putting drum and bass throughout ‘Awadama Fever’ and you’ve got yourself a storming album. This band have the metal world in the palm of their hands and they’re playing their cards effortlessly.

The words of English language closer ‘THE ONE’ speak volumes – this is Babymetal’s song, this is their dream and it’s certainly producing some phenomenal tracks along the way.


’Metal Resistance’ by Babymetal is released on April 1st on earMUSIC.

Babymetal links: Website|Facebook|Twitter

Words by Ali Cooper (@AliZombie_)
