
Album Review: Black Foxxes – I’m Not Well

Hype is a peculiar thing. It comes out of nowhere, uninvited but enthusiastic. It rallies us up and makes us feel a part of something massive. Then just like that it can let us down. It can be naïve and foolish, putting too much pressure on its target and causing them to slip up. It has been the curse of many a band and one that is hard to shift. Though sometimes hype gets it bang on. It focuses attention on a band that deserve every ounce of success that comes their way.

With Black Foxxes, hype has got it spot on.

Playing at any venue that will have them and picking up some pretty powerful friends along the way, Black Foxxes have been working up to the release of ‘I’m Not Well’ brilliantly. Not giving too much away but making sure what they do is vital, the full-length debut from the band is as diverse and luckily as exceptional as we came to expect.

Like The Xcerts drunkenly kissing Manchester Orchestra as Basement watch on intently, the spectrum of styles on show work together in harmony to create some of the most unique and unforgettable sounds rock has delivered in ages. There’s the piercing melody that paints itself across the lazy riffs of ‘How We Rust’. There’s the emotional build up that erupts sporadically throughout River’. There’s the brilliant grubbiness and tension of ’Slow Jams Forever’. Every track is epic in its own right and when played all together a collection of songs that can rival the best. This is British rock at its boldest and bravest. At it’s most vibrant and fresh. This is the past, present and future.

Vital and engrossing, ‘I’m Not Well’ is the quintessential British debut 2016 has been craving. Coursing with delicacy, lust, angst and most importantly imagination, Black Foxxes write music that is relatable no matter what walk of life you have stumbled through. They are hard to pin down but even harder to switch off. ‘I’m Not Well’ has cult classic written all over it. Just step back and watch it bloom.


‘I’m Not Well’ by Black Foxxes is released on August 19th on Search and Destroy / Spinefarm Records.

Black Foxxes links: Facebook|Twitter

Words by Jack Rogers (@JackMRog)


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