Review: AvaGrace – The Witching Hours
“‘The Witching Hours’ draws on all the experience Avagrace have amassed”
“‘The Witching Hours’ draws on all the experience Avagrace have amassed”
“When it’s fast and dirty it works well. Yet, when the band aim for a grander mainstream sound, things go awry”
“Exciting and uplifting with a complex, brooding edge, ‘Never Not Nothing’ is a storming debut album”
“a vicious, uncompromising ride… Knocked Loose whip up a storm of catharsis, breakdowns and bruised knuckles”
“Stunning, punishing and relaxing, often all at once… there’s strange beauty amongst the chaos”
“a comfortable album laced with a real sense of fun”
“A scream of defiance… ‘Atonement’ has an extremely hard edge and its heartfelt moments sparkle without dragging down the pace”
“Slipknot have never sounded so accessible or sure of themselves”
“Mallory Knox have taken a risk… a harsher and dirtier album”
“The sound of a band who want you to take notice… hard-hitting and emotionally resonant, ‘Low’ is exactly the album TheCityIsOurs needed to make”
“Acres are sure in their sound… ‘Lonely World’s’ results are heartfelt and affecting”
“Hugely ambitious, ‘Maker’ is a restless and unfocused collection”
“Bold and battle-hardened, Carnifex have created a strong bastion of a record with ‘World War X’”
“Northlane have created the committed, confident album you always knew they were capable of”
‘In The Hands Of An Angry God’ is an uncompromising vision… this isn’t an album for the fainthearted”
“‘True Motion’ has enough bark and bruising riffing to demand your attention”
“‘Order In Decline’ might just be the most exciting music Sum 41 have made in more than a decade”
“Kid Kapichi have the potential to be your new rock n’ roll heroes”
“‘Sudden Sky’ is a glitzy Frankenstein’s monster style, but it works surprisingly well”
“Torchbearer have the riffs and a solid sound, but they are sorely lacking a spark”
“Strong and confident, ‘You Can Miss Something & Not Want It Back’ is crammed with lovingly crafted songs”
“‘Vulture Culture’ is the sound of Fangclub fighting their demons and spreading their wings”
“Baffling and brilliant, ‘Shuffle’ shows just how wildly creative Jamie Lenman can be”
“Confident and sure of itself, ‘Deaf Perception’ manages to be delicate without ever feeling fragile”
“‘Love Is Dead And We Killed Her’ is anthemic and feisty with a side order of riffs”
“Challenging and noisy as hell ‘Caprice Enchanté’ is a brilliant street-fight of sleaze and cynicism”
“When Remo Drive let their creativity shine, it can be rewarding”
“Everything here is sure and solid, while never losing its sense of purpose”
“‘The Disconnect’ is a solid, confident expression of their sound”
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